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The Meaning Behind the Name: Where Baking Meets Crafting

Updated: Apr 6

Alicia holding up her custom personalized cookies with the article title overlaid
Crafty Cookiers Personalized Cookies Toronto | The Meaning Behind Our Name

Hey there, fellow cookie enthusiasts! Ever wondered about the story behind Crafty Cookiers' name? Well, grab a cookie and let's dive in.

Imagine a childhood filled to the brim with crafting, all thanks to an incredibly crafty mum. From a dedicated office overflowing with supplies to weekends spent rug hooking, puppet-making, and getting messy with paper mache, creativity wasn't just encouraged – it was the norm. And in amongst all those crafty exploits? Baking. Lots and lots of baking. Carrot cake, cheesecake, and a special kind of love for Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies (though let's be real, half the dough never made it to the oven) and ambitious holiday endeavours with sugar cookies (though we had no idea what royal icing even was back then).

Fast forward to the beginning of Crafty Cookiers, where my love for both crafting and baking collided in the most random way possible (becoming addicted to Instagram decorating reels and teaching myself how to do it in the weeks while I waited to move home from England after finishing my Master’s degree). The mission? To create personalized cookies and products that not only taste the BEST but also unleash the inner artist in all of us. Because let's face it, who doesn't love getting a little crafty?

Enter the world of the "cookier" – a term coined for those who straddle the line between baker and artist. At Crafty Cookiers, I’m all about embracing this unique identity and celebrating the magic that happens when baking meets crafting. It's not just about following recipes; it's about turning cookies into canvases and letting your imagination run wild with edible art.

When you snag a Holiday DIY kit or a PYO (Paint Your Own) cookie from Crafty Cookiers, you're not just buying a product – you're joining a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for creativity. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie to the world of cookie decorating, there's a place for you at the Crafty Cookiers table.

So go ahead, take a bite out of creativity, and join us on this tasty adventure. After all, life is too short for boring cookies!

Alicia B.

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